046B7AF193FFF0DF802D60C79E6872D1 NICT achieves optical fiber cable transmission speed of 402 Tbps

NICT achieves optical fiber cable transmission speed of 402 Tbps

Breaking Barriers: The Unbelievable Speed of Optical Fiber Cabling

Per-users of a certain age may well keep in mind when having a 56 kbps web association was considered fast. Then DSL came along and made dial-up look like a comatose snail in comparison. Fast forward to today, and the advancements in internet technology are nothing short of mind-boggling. A team of engineers from Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has recently achieved a groundbreaking data transmission rate of 402 Tbps using standard fiber optic cables To put that into point of view, you may download Baldur's Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, and the whole Fallout 4  collection in less than a tenth of a second.

optical fiber cable transmission

The Marvel of 4 Breaking Barriers: The Unbelievable Speed of Optical Fiber Cabling

Many of us remember when a 56 kbps internet connection was considered fast. Then DSL came along and made dial-up seem like a comatose snail in comparison. Fast forward to today, and the advancements in internet technology are nothing short of mind-boggling. A team of engineers from Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has recently achieved a groundbreaking data transmission rate of 402 Tbps using standard fiber optic cables. To put that into perspective, you could download Baldur's Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, and the entire Fallout 4 collection in less than a tenth of a second.

The Marvel of 402 Tbps

The NICT team’s achievement didn’t rely on exotic technology or microscopic distances in a lab. They used 50 km of commercially available optical fibers and signal amplifiers to conduct their test. At an estimated peak rate of 402 Tbps or 50.25 TB/s, this new record is approximately 25% higher than the previous record set last October. This incredible feat underscores the potential of existing optical fiber cable transmission technology to push the boundaries of data transmission.

How Does It Work?

Understanding how the NICT team achieved such an extraordinary data transmission rate involves delving into the technical details of optical fiber cable transmission, signal amplification, modulation techniques, and multiplexing methods.

Optical Fibers and Transmission Bands

Standard Optical Fibers:

The team used commercially available single-mode optical fibers, which are widely deployed in current internet infrastructure. Single-mode fibers are capable of carrying signals over long distances with minimal loss and are preferred for high-speed data transmission.

Transmission Bands:

The team utilized multiple transmission bands, including:

- C-band (1530-1565 nm): Widely used in telecommunications for its optimal balance between signal loss and amplification efficiency.

- L-band (1565-1625 nm): Extends the usable spectrum, allowing for additional channels.

- S-band (1460-1530 nm) and U-band (1625-1675 nm): These less commonly used bands were also employed to maximize the use of available spectrum.

By leveraging these bands, the team increased the number of channels transmitting data simultaneously, significantly boosting the overall data rate.

optical fiber cable transmission

Signal Amplification

Raman Amplifiers:

Raman amplification involves using the nonlinear interaction between the signal and a pump laser within the fiber itself. This provides distributed amplification along the fiber length, reducing signal degradation over long distances and improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs):

EDFAs are a staple in long-haul optical fiber cable transmission communications. They use erbium-doped optical fibers to amplify light signals, especially in the C-band. By combining EDFAs with Raman amplifiers, the team achieved higher overall gain and extended the reach of the signal.

Gain Equalization:

Gain equalizers are critical for maintaining consistent signal strength across all utilized bands. Uneven pick up can lead to flag mutilation and information misfortune. These equalizers adjust the amplification levels to ensure uniform transmission quality, preventing any single band from becoming a weak link in the optical fiber cable transmission chain.

Modulation and Multiplexing

Advanced Modulation Formats:

The gather utilized high-order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) bunches, such as 64-QAM or 256-QAM. QAM allows more bits per symbol by varying the amplitude and phase of the signal, effectively increasing the data rate without requiring additional bandwidth.

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM):

DWDM technology is essential for high-capacity optical fiber cable transmission. It involves transmitting multiple data streams on different wavelengths of light within the same optical fiber. Each wavelength carries a separate data channel, and the combined capacity of all channels results in a significantly higher data throughput.

Signal Processing and Bandwidth Utilization

37.6 THz Bandwidth:

By utilizing as numerous transmission groups as conceivable and advanced flag handling procedures, the group accomplished a add up to signal bandwidth of 37.6 THz. This extensive bandwidth utilization is over 100,000 times greater than that of WiFi 7, highlighting the immense capacity of optical fiber cable transmission.

Signal Processing Techniques:

Advanced digital signal processing (DSP) techniques were employed to manage and decode the complex modulated signals. DSP algorithms correct for various impairments like chromatic dispersion and non-linear effects, ensuring that the data is accurately transmitted and received.

Highlights and Achievements

The NICT group, in collaboration with different worldwide accomplices, developed the world's to begin with O to U-band transmission framework competent of DWDM transmission in a commercially accessible standard optical fiber. This record was accomplished by developing the to begin with optical transmission system covering all the transmission bands (OESCLU) of the low-loss window of standard optical strands. The framework combined different intensification innovations, a few created for this show, counting six sorts of doped fiber optical intensifiers and both discrete and disseminated Raman enhancement. Novel optical pick up equalizers too permitted get to to unused wavelength groups that are not however utilized in sent systems.

Record Data-Rate:

- 402 Tbps in a standard commercially available optical fiber.

Optical Bandwidth:

- 37.6 THz optical bandwidth achieved by combining six doped-fiber amplifier variants with lumped and distributed Raman-amplification to cover all of the low-loss transmission bands of silica fibers.

Practical Contribution:

- Critical commitment to the capacity extension of optical communication framework to meet the anticipated request from modern data-services. The comes about of this try were acknowledged as a post-deadline paper at the 47th Worldwide Conference on Optical Fiber Communications (OFC 2024) and displayed by Ben Puttnam on March 28 and the day will be Thursday at San Diego Convention Center, California, USA.

The Future of Internet Speed

While the NICT team's achievement represents a significant leap forward, translating this optical fiber cable transmission technology into practical, everyday use for consumers will take time and further innovation. Understanding the broader implications and the steps needed to bring such high-speed internet into homes and businesses is crucial.

Practical Considerations

Cost and Infrastructure:

- Current Costs: The setup used by NICT is currently prohibitively expensive for widespread deployment. The costs of the high-end amplifiers, specialized equipment, and the technical expertise required to maintain such systems are significant.

- Infrastructure Upgrades: Existing infrastructure would need substantial upgrades. Most of the current fiber optic networks are optimized for much lower speeds, and integrating this new technology would require new deployment of fiber cables and upgrading network hubs and exchanges.

optical fiber cable transmission

Hardware Limitations:

- Ethernet Ports and Routers: Consumer-grade hardware, such as routers and Ethernet ports, max out at much lower speeds. The fastest Ethernet ports available today are typically 10GbE (10 Gbps), which is far below the 402 Tbps achieved by the NICT team.

- Computing Hardware: Even the most advanced personal computers (PCs) and storage devices are not equipped to handle such high speeds. The bottlenecks include the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) bus, random-access memory (RAM), and solid-state drives (SSDs), which currently cannot process or store data at rates anywhere close to 50.25 TB/s.

Data Centers and Network Providers:

- Scalability: Data centers and internet service providers (ISPs) would need to scale up their infrastructure to manage the immense data flow. This includes upgrading backbone networks and deploying more robust data handling and processing systems.

- Energy Consumption: Higher speeds and increased data processing capabilities also mean higher energy consumption. Efficient power management solutions will be necessary to handle the increased demand sustainably.

Potential Benefits

Industrial and Research Applications:

- Big Data and AI: Industries dealing with big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning could benefit immensely from such high-speed optical fiber cable transmission. Faster data transfer would enable quicker analysis and more sophisticated modeling.

- Medical and Scientific Research: High-speed data transmission could revolutionize fields like genomics, climate modeling, and medical imaging, where massive datasets need to be transferred and analyzed rapidly.

Consumer Benefits:

- Streaming and Gaming: Ultra-high-speed internet could enhance streaming services, enabling 8K video streaming with no buffering and revolutionizing online gaming with near-instantaneous downloads and minimal latency.

- Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): These technologies require substantial bandwidth for real-time data transfer. High-speed internet could make VR and AR experiences seamless and more immersive.

Global Connectivity:

- Rural and Remote Areas: Improved optical fiber cable transmission technology could eventually make high-speed internet more accessible to remote and underserved areas, bridging the digital divide and promoting economic and educational opportunities.


The NICT team’s achievement is a remarkable leap forward in the realm of optical fiber cable transmission. While we might not see 400 Tbps speeds in our homes in the near future, this breakthrough showcases the potential of fiber optic technology. As the demand for data continues to grow, advancements like these will pave the way for faster, more efficient internet infrastructure, benefiting industries and consumers alike.

So, while we wait for the day when downloading massive games in a split second becomes a reality, we can appreciate the strides being made in the world of optical fiber cable transmission. The future of the internet is bright, and it’s moving faster than ever before.02 Tbps

The NICT team’s achievement didn’t rely on exotic technology or microscopic distances in a lab. They used 50 km of commercially available optical fibers and signal amplifiers to conduct their test. At an estimated peak rate of 402 Tbps or 50.25 TB/s, this new record is approximately 25% higher than the previous record set last October. This incredible feat underscores the potential of existing fiber optic technology to push the boundaries of data transmission.

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